Back In The Corps Again!

A Guide to the Merchant Armed Services

The Andromedaen Conglomeration founded the Merchant Armed Services to fight there battles for them. One thousand years ago it was a question of survival, today it is a question of profit. They must maintain there trade empire and you are there to make it so. They have worlds to explore, corporations to enrich and trade routes to defend. You don't need to be an Andromedaen to serve, in fact the M.A.S. are made up of almost entirely of aliens. Functioning like the French Foreign Legion the Andromedaen Merchant Armed Services take any willing, able bodied person, even slaves.

Back in the Corps Again is your guide to the Andromedaen people, the Merchant Armed Services, and their histories. In addition, there are new psi disciplines, classes, skills and piles of equipment. Included in this book is also the mission to rescue the Santius. 

A distress call cut off in mid transmission from a research vessel to top secret genetics research is never a good call. The Santius is owned by GenTech, an Adnromedaen corporation and therefore your squads concern. You are on the M.A.S. Rexor, a pinnace  assigned to search and rescue for the sector. Things look worse once you find the Santius. The engines are offline, she is adrift and does not respond to your hails. Worse yet she seems to be sensor shielded. The only thing worse then going in blind is what happens if you don't go in at all...

Title Back In The Corps Again
Stock No. HWE 3100
ISBN 0-9740096-5-2
Format Soft cover, Perfect Bound
Page Count 80
Genre Science Fiction RPG
MSRP $17.95
System Iridium System
Sample 134 K
Release Date January 2004

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